Gwadar International (Pvt) Ltd. and its subsidiary organization Urban Vista Architects and Associates represent world’s largest marketing network throughout the world for Gwadar. Anywhere Gwadar is discussed, our name reflects like a paradise with its honesty, determination, principle, reliability and dignity. That’s why all the most important societies inside Gwadar city on all the important locations are marketed by us.
1. Gwadar Port is the largest and deepest sea port in the middle of the world and has been operational with full load and force.
2. Gwadar Port has 90% business from sea to sea, it does not need any large road network because Gwadar is in the middle of the world.
3. It will be the largest business center of the world because it is in the middle of the world and will be used by the mother vessels.
4. China, Japan, Korea, Taiwan, Singapore, Hongkong, Malaysia and Indonesia are on extremely right side of the world and produce 80% goods of the world, they want to use Gwadar Sea Port as a Business Center to sell their goods to Asia, Africa, Middle East, Europe and America.
5. Gwadar is a place which is required by all the super powers of the world immediately.
6. Afghanistan, Russia, Tajikistan, Azerbaijan, Uzbekistan, Kazakhstan, Turkmenistan, Kurdistan, Georgia and Armenia depend only Gwadar port because they are land locked countries.
7. Gwadar will be more beautiful then any city of the world because it will be the Business Centre of the world’s businessmen
8. Saudi Arabia has built 4 new cities to do trade with Gwadar.
9. We will bring workers from India, Bangladesh, Philippines to construct hundreds of thousands of buildings inside and thousands of factories outside the Gwadar City.
10. Gwadar is duty free and tax free largest sea port centrally located on world map.
11. In future Gwadar will be famous for its high-rise buildings, parks, roads, universities, hospitals, clubs, highest salaries and business opportunities.
12. Thanks God that the port is now operational. Every second best locations are running out. Property is always with location. Prices are increasing very rapidly, if you will have the plot on best location high rise building will complete with people money, if you will late you have to take the flat in Gwadar with even unbelievable price.
13. May be you are losing a chance which God want to give you because the plot booked on installments can bring you in step with world’s richest people.
14. Gwadar is in Pakistan and we are Pakistani. After little time whole world will be in Gwadar then it will very difficult to get anything being very costly. Get in immediately may be you will be the last standing in the queue.